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languageCode() - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.experimental.MotorExtractContentRequest
Gets the language code to be used in the request for content extraction.
languageCode() - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.experimental.MotorFilterContentRequest
Gets the language code to be used in the request for content filter.
languageCode() - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.functional.MotorLargeTranslationRequest
Gets the language code to be used in the request.
languageCode() - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.functional.MotorStrategicSummaryRequest
Gets the language code to be used in the request.
languageCode() - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.functional.MotorSummaryRequest
Gets the language code to be used in the request.
languageCode(String) - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.experimental.MotorExtractContentRequest.Builder
Sets the language code for the content extraction.
languageCode(String) - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.experimental.MotorFilterContentRequest.Builder
Sets the language code for the translation .
languageCode(String) - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.functional.MotorLargeTranslationRequest.Builder
Sets the language code for the translation .
languageCode(String) - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.functional.MotorStrategicSummaryRequest.Builder
Sets the language code for the summarization.
languageCode(String) - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.functional.MotorSummaryRequest.Builder
Sets the language code for the summarization.
loadImageAsBase64(File) - Static method in class
Loads an image from the given File and converts it to a Base64 encoded string.
loadImageAsBase64(String) - Static method in class
Loads an image from the given file path and converts it to a Base64 encoded string.
logger - Static variable in interface com.chatmotorapi.api.notify.failover.FailoverNotifier
Static logger used by the default implementation to log failover events.
logger(Logger) - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.notify.EmailNotificationChannel.Builder
Sets the Logger instance for logging operations within the treatment process.
logger(Logger) - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.notify.failover.SmsFailoverNotifier.Builder
Sets the logger used for logging operational information.
logger(Logger) - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.notify.SlackNotificationChannel.Builder
Sets the Logger instance for logging operations within the treatment process.
logger(Logger) - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.notify.TwilioNotificationChannel.Builder
Sets the Logger instance for logging operations within the treatment process.
logitBias(Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.MotorAiOptions.Builder
Sets the 'logit_bias' map, which biases certain tokens during response generation.
logprobs(Boolean) - Method in class com.chatmotorapi.api.MotorAiOptions.Builder
Sets whether to enable log probabilities in the AI response.
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